Thursday, May 6, 2010

Jones Family Pictures

We forgot to have Jeremy take his sunglasses off and I love that I have a double chin.

It has been since Jeremy was leaving for his mission that all the siblings were in a picture. (About 11 years, I think).

I love this fun picture!

I love that Stefanie is the only one behind her husband. (She is 6' tall).

Grandma and Grandpa Jones

Tara (3rd oldest), Scott, Sierra, Carl, Savannah and Mercedes Sweet

Melissa (6th child), Andrew, Joshua, Samuel, Jordan and Trevin Pedigo.

Stefanie (Middle child #5) JT, Kiara, Whitney, Amanda and AJ Brown.

Tom (4th Child), Tyler (Jamieson), Tiana and Tristan Jones

Luke Chase (Ticia's oldest) and Courtney (his cute girlfriend).

Ticia (Oldest daughter #2), Dave and Aspen Layton (See above for other two names).

This is my favorite picture. This is actually what we call JD's mean face. He loves to stare me down like this when I tell him to do something for example to keep his arms folded during prayer.

1 comment:

rawhide said... the pictures of everyone. i hope that you guys are liking florida