Monday, October 27, 2008

Little Man

So this weekend I got to see my Best Friend Ashley!!! Oh yeah and we got to see Danny too (less important). JD wore a little tie for the first time and he is growing like a weed.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

All I see is you!

A couple of weeks ago Jeremy, myself, JD and Sarah went to the Renaissance Fair at Sunset Park. I took pictures of maybe two things there and the rest were of JD. So here are some of my little monkey.

Monday, October 20, 2008

Bumbo- the world's greatest invention!

This little man is getting so BIG! When he sits in his bumbo you can't find his diaper or his belly button! I love a chubby baby!

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

2 Months

JD is growing up so fast. He rolled over once the other day for his dad. He is also demanding more attention (his dad says that's becuase he's like his mother!) and loves to play.

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

2 Month Checkup

Everyday I think that JD looks more and more like his father. JD also just found his hands and fingers. He sucks on his fist and looks at his fingers. He loves to coo and smile. He will stick out his tongue and watch you waiting for you to do the same thing. I love it! He doesn't really like tummy time but he has figured out the he can lay his head to the side so that he doesn't have to have his head held up the whole time.

Yesterday JD had his 2 month well baby check up! He now weighs 14 lbs. 13oz. and is 24 and a hlaf inches long. His cousin Drewm who is 2 months older, went to the drs. about 2 weeks ago and was 15 lbs. 1oz and 24 and a half inches. So JD is trying to pass his cousin in size. He definitely loves his momma's milk!!!

Jeremy had to take this picture since this Saturday he does his final flight stage check. If he passes this one (which he will no doubt) then all he will need is to pass a test and flight with an FAA examiner and he will finally have his Private Pilot License. Whoo hoo!!! We are very proud of JD's daddy.