Saturday, January 17, 2009

Day at the Park

I started working on Monday back at Bank of America on Horizon/95. I technically had a couple more weeks of my leave of absence but since they needed me and the economy is scary, I decided having a job is better than not having a job. I do hope to transfer closer to home. My Sister-in-law Marian is watching JD while I work. Ellie (her 1 year old baby) and JD get along great.

Today Jeremy's parents were in town so we went to the park. JD looks just like his dad with his cool sunglasses.
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Thursday, January 1, 2009

Big Boy!

JD rolls over very well. He likes to be on his tummy! This is how he sleeps sometimes! I put him on his back and he likes to sleep on his side sucking his thumb with all his fingers out.
He holds his head up really well and loves to see what is going on.

This is his new ball. He loves to look at me through the ball. I think it is fun, except when he is nursing and it is in the way.