Sunday, December 20, 2009
Tampa, Florida
Friday, November 27, 2009
Our Trip to Florida
Saturday, October 31, 2009
Happy Halloween!!!
Saturday, August 15, 2009
Trip to San Diego
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
Sunday, July 12, 2009
I've been tagged!
5 things I was doing 5 years ago
1. Taking care of my wonderful husband who had just broken his arm, finger and back in a rollover car accident.
2. Enjoying being just married (for 4 months)
3. Was still unpacking boxes in the house we bought (that I grew up in)
4. Wacthing my puppy Bridget get bigger (She was 4 months old).
5. Get my pictures developed (not digital) from our honeymoon in Europe.
5 things on my to-do list
1. Try to keep busy so I think about how much I miss Jeremy.
2. Make homemade cards for the card exchange
3. Plan JD's first birthday party (July 29th is the big day)
4. Finish planning my vacation for the summer
5. Get a hold of Ashley, she is so busy I never talk with her....
5 places I've lived
1. Las Vegas, Nevada
2. Delta, Utah (born there)
3. Reno, Nevada (UNR)
4. Hawaii (when I was 3)
5. Right now in my parent's home again
5 things I want to be doing in 5 years
1. Give JD some siblings
2. Get Jeremy's schooling done
3. Be a stay at home wife again
4. Jeremy be a pilot
5. Travel everywhere
Walking and Talking
JD is walking all over the place. This video is a couple weeks old and now he is getting into everything. I now realize how tall he is and how long his arms are. I have to re-baby proof the house. He is also starting to throwing temper tantrums. He throws his head back and kicks his feet. I am sure he hurts head when he hits it on the tile but he does it to himself.
Jeremy is now flying all over the country to build up his hours. He is in Sacramento right now and possibly Dallas and Florida later this week. For friends and family who live in other states, you may get a call that he is in town for the night and wants to say hi.
I just got transferred for work. I work down the street from my old banking center. It is a little farther away but I enjoy the challenge of something different. I was at Horizon/95 for 5 1/2 years.
There is a good possiblity that Jeremy's flight training will move us to Florida. If we do move then anyone is welcome to visit!
Sunday, June 28, 2009
Memorial Day
For Memorial day this year my whole family went to Utah. My grandpa used to always go and put flowers on our ancestor's graves. This year was the first time that we got to put flowers on his grave. It was a nice trip.
Sunday, June 7, 2009
Pilot Jeremy
So here is Jeremy after he got his single engine instrument rating.
For the last week he has been in Phoenix, Arizona working on his commericial pilot training. He is attending ATP or Airline Transport Professionals trying to get all his pilot stuff done. It is a 90 day program and we already miss him. Jeremy's parents live on the other side of Phoenix about an hour away.
Saturday, May 9, 2009
Poopy Croupy
This little guy is having a rough day! Not only does he have a bad diaper rash but he also has croup. He is coughing and has a fever!!! He is really getting around though. He loves to look out the french doors and see the dogs. He is an animal lover like his father. My sister Teah posted a cute video on her blog of JD and Drew, his cousin (her son).
Sunday, April 12, 2009
Happy Easter!
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
Learning to Crawl
His daddy just can't wait to have him crawl which is funny seeing as how his daddy is the one at home with him durning the day since he ws laid off about 2 weeks ago. I'm sure once he starts crawling his daddy will regret having helped him learn to crawl.
Little Pooper
The adorable little fat boy now has teeth! He is so cute and is wiggling so much now. His favorite thing to do is to rock. He rocks while you hold him and now when he gets up on all fours. Soon the little pooper will be crawling.
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
First Teeth
This kid is hard to make him hold still and also not get his tongue in the way. You can see his two bottom teeth barely poking through. He has been a nightmare recently (I think due to teething) we live off of tylenol and those teething tablets (Thanks for sharing Teah they really work, must be the coffee in them...).
Sunday, February 22, 2009
Bridget had 5 puppies this early morning. 4 boys and 1 girl, all yellow. This will probably be Bridget's last litter since she has had 4 other litters, with 25 puppies 10 being females.
Saturday, January 17, 2009
Day at the Park
Today Jeremy's parents were in town so we went to the park. JD looks just like his dad with his cool sunglasses.